Tuesday, April 21, 2009
The Tooth Fairy Sucks!

Posted by Pihl Pastures at 7:17 PM 5 comments
Labels: funny stuff, kids
Friday, March 27, 2009
Cinematic Warm Fuzzies
There are 2 movies coming that I simply cannot wait for. One, was a fave childhood book of both myself and Jeremy and the trailer makes the movie, as another blogger blogger put it, "look like how a warm Krispy Kreme tastes." The music alone is enough to induce warm fuzzies. Please to enjoy, Where the Wil Things Are.
The second is just so stunningly beautiful, it makes my warm fuzzies tingle. Melt into a blissful puddle of cinematic beauty: Astro Boy.
Posted by Pihl Pastures at 6:06 PM 1 comments
Labels: rants
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
cai-ism for today
cai: comes out long after he should be in bed for the night. "guys, i have a situation with my breath" (pause for dramatic effect) "it's hot when i doos this" (blows on finger)
mommy & daddy: roll on the floor and laugh hysterically
Posted by Pihl Pastures at 2:08 PM 2 comments
Labels: Cai-isms
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Some more Floridian Winter for ya...

Posted by Pihl Pastures at 11:21 PM 9 comments
Labels: kids, photography
Friday, February 27, 2009
SIckle Cell Info
I know that some of my readers have questioned a statement made in my previous post about Sickle Cell being a curable disease here in the States. I should have clarified that statement in that post. I will do so now.
We did not step into this endeavor blindly or going on "my cousin's mother's 3rd aunt's boyfriend has it....." kind of info. We researched extensively: medical journals, consultations with doctors, etc. and found the same information. Sickle Cell is absolutely curable and there are 2 avenues that can be explored. Let me quote directly from the University of Maryland Medical Center: "the only true cure for sickle cell disease is bone marrow or stem cell transplantation. The bone marrow nurtures stem cells, which are early cells that mature into red and white blood cells and platelets. By destroying the sickle cell patient's diseased bone marrow and stem cells and transplanting healthy bone marrow from a genetically-matched donor, normal hemoglobin may be produced."
Now, a stem cell blood transfusion is obviously the more difficult option to work out. Though we don't have her stem cells or even a siblings, there is the possibility to find a close enough match from donated stem cells. This would obviously be the less painful route as this can be handled through a transfusion. The bone marrow transplant, on the other hand, can be quite risky because intense chemotherapy has to be done prior in order to facilitate the acceptance of the bone marrow. There is a new procedure however, that delivers a much less harsh, lower dose of chemo and is a lot less risky to the recipient. You can read about it here.
Once Saraphina comes to the States and can be evaluated by a doctor here, we will be able to come to a better conclusion about the severity of her particular case and whether or not these would be viable options for her. If you or a loved one has Sickle Cell, please research the options. Get educated. This disease does not have to cut lives short or painfully destroy each day you have. There are options and new treatments.
Posted by Pihl Pastures at 12:50 PM 2 comments
Labels: rants
Monday, February 23, 2009
more cai-isms
overheard at the lunch table:
"my boogers are punching me in the nose!"
Posted by Pihl Pastures at 8:10 AM 1 comments
Labels: Cai-isms
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Poor Cai,
He tries so hard, but he trips himself up more often than not. His best quality is often his greatest downfall - his passion.
Today, he made an impassioned plea to be let off computer restriction.
"Everything to me is bad and good. My brain just won't listen to me." (Punches himself in the head a couple times out of frustration).
This is a typical day with Cai. Sometimes, he's so trapped inside himself and some days he's absolutely bonkers! He loves so deeply and so openly, and when the pendulum swings the other way,he has zero impulse control and that passion turns to angry outbursts.
Still trying to figure out how to best help him. For now, it gives way to priceless "cai-isms."
Posted by Pihl Pastures at 3:49 PM 0 comments
Labels: Cai-isms
Hot Winter!
I know many of you who read this blog are shivering in your long johns right now and for that, I am sorry. Hopefully, pictures of our weekend at the beach, in near 90 degree weather will warm you up! Here's the scene: Jensen Beach, Florida. Ocean inlet with a park and fishing pier. Low tide. Early morning. Fiddler and horseshoe crabs. Dolphins. Yes, I said dolphins - playing and chasing their breakfast not too far off the end of the pier. Bar-B-Q. Afternoon fishing. Boys caught enough fish for dinner! Hazaa!
Posted by Pihl Pastures at 3:05 PM 4 comments