The visas for both boys are being printed as we speak - that is unless the printing machine breaks or something else equally as ridiculous. Looks like we will be on a plane later this week after all! Thank you to all who prayed and to all who rejoice with us now!
Monday, September 15, 2008
There's ALWAYS a problem....
Let me re-phrase that: There is always a huge, seemingly insurmountable problem. Here we go: two days after our visas were supposed to have been printed, they were still not printed. When I called to find out why, I was told they were waiting on a paper from USCIS. What?!? Here's what the problem amounts to: Our I600s have already been approved, our visa appointments have beeen completed and all went well - visas have been paid for. Even still, now they are questioning our I600A! It says we are approved for one or more children and though the officer stateside says that is sufficient, the Haitian officer says it is not and needs to see docs that say we are approved for 2 children!
Let's keep in mind that our homestudy has ALWAYS been for 2 children. We were approved through the court system, the Minister of Interior and our own Department of Homeland security through the USCIS approving our I600. NOW they want to question what amounts to a useless piece of paper that never needed to be filed in the first place. Let me explain further.
The I600a is a form, requesting from our government, the permission to eventually bring into the States, a child(ren) you intent to adopt. This just states intent. The approval comes in the form of an I171H. The I600 does essentially the same thing, with one notable exception: The (a) should be filed if you are adopting from one of those countries that doesn't let you know who your child will be until the end of the process. If you already know who your child(ren) will be before you start your process, you can and should file the I600 only. Because we filed both (the I600a at the beginning of our process and the I600 in Haiti about a year ago) this is blowing the minds of the government and they can't fathom that the I600a doesn't really amount to a hill of crap right now. The USCIS officer in Haiti tells me now that they "mistakenly" approved our I600 before double checking our I600a. This is INSANE! First, even if it was mistakenly approved, IT WAS APPROVED! They cannot now backtrack and hold our children hostage, which is essentially what they are now doing. Second, the I600a is a moot point and even if it was valid, specifically states one or more children!
If you have followed this inanity to this point, you will see this as nothing more than a complete and utter attack. It is so preposterous, so inane that this is the only explanation to be had. By the same token, because God is sovereign, and nothing happens that does not first pass through his hand, this has, for one reason or another, been allowed. This blows my mind. I cannot grasp why God would be allowing this particular trial after we have already been through delay after delay after delay. This is so like being pregnant and waaaaaaay overdue! My heart hurts. There is not a moment in the day that I do not think of/long for/agonize over the absence of my children in my life. This trial has only magnified that to unmanageable depths.
So this is what I ask of you dear friends who frequent the ramblings of my blog, pray. Over the course of these next 2 days pray fervently and without ceasing. Pray that they eyes of the government officials will be open to the gross oversight on their part. Part for mercy and compassion towards us and our situation. Pray that our children will be coming home as scheduled on Thursday and that this will not drag on and on.....If nothing else, Moise will come home on Wednesday. This has been a heartbreaking decision - having to choose, as a mom, between two children. Which one needs you more? Which one can you just not live without any longer? At the moment, we have determined that to be Moise, simply because he is more aware of us, our relationship with him and the imminence of his homecoming. He has already been disappointed so much in this process and we cannot bear to inflict the scars that choosing Phoenix over him would inflict. So, for these reasons, if thinsg are not worked out before tomorrow, we will be bringing Moise home on Thursday and turning our focus to fighting for Phoenix every day after that. This, friends, is why we desperately need your prayers.
Posted by Pihl Pastures at 8:36 AM 4 comments
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