Saturday, January 19, 2008

It's ugly outside....

So, we woke up to cold and wet and gray and as the day progressed it actually got colder and darker and's torrential. What a nasty day. Your first reaction is "Wow, what an awesome day to curl up under the covers, watch movies and read." Then the screams start, and the crashing of undoubtedly unrepairable things, and the whining of the dogs to be let out, and 8 million other things that immediately ruin your perfect rainy day and remind you that those are the dreams of a single woman without children. Then again, there's nothing better than a warm little body, all snuggly in fleece pajamas, squeezing your last ounce of breathe out of you as he sweetly whispers, "I love you mommy. You're my best friend." 2 minutes later - screams and temper tantrums ensue. Ah, the joys of the Jekyl and Hyde nature of a 3 year old.

On the upside, we visited the Gainesville mall today and were so happy to find a sense of familiarity that we missed. The Ocala mall has nothing. When I say nothing, I mean we've been there 3 times and every time have walked out in 5 minutues because we have both, walked the entire mall (not joking) and could not find anything we were looking for. So, the Gainesville mall was definitely a welcome change. Then we decided to take the scenic route home. First of all, may I say that the UF area of Gainesville is one of the most architecturally beautiful places I have ever seen. The town itself is very...."bricky." Seriously, nearly every building is brick and old and crisp - like the feeling of a perfect fall day. We took 441 home through these beautifully historic little towns like Micanopy and McIntosh. Little towns where the people have things like "Historic Days" and everyone dresses up in period garb and reenacts how life was like in the 17/1800s. Can't wait until we can check one of those out. Beautiful scenery - giant trees, weeping with Spanish moss, decaying buildings dotting the countryside as a moment frozen in time. Perfect area to build a photography portfolio!

So, now we're back home. Back to our conveniences and electronics and preoccupations. 2 laptops open, Guitar Hero being played on the Wii, iPod blaring. But just outside, past the white window panes and the glare of artificial light lies beauty. The beauty we are desperately trying to incorporate more and more into our daily lives. The beauty we are striving to instill in our children. The beauty that is so rarely appreciated by Floridians living just a few hours south of us, waking up in their cold, concrete jungle they so willingly lie to themselves and call paradise. Though no one thought so when we made the decision to move, I wholeheartedly contend that we "moved on up" and 5 acres of open sky is better than a "deluxe apartment in the sky" any day!