Truth be told, I suck. See, when your kid loses a tooth, then puts said tooth under his pillow, even if they're the smartest kid in the world, they believe wholeheartedly that the Tooth Fairy does exist and will indeed come and magically change said tooth into $$. The problem arises when mommy forgets to "tell the Tooth Fairy" there's a pick-up and said child accidentally brushes the tooth out form under his pillow in the middle of the night, never to be found. Now, said child thinks the Tooth Fairy jipped him and proceeded to write the following letter:

Yup, that's definitely my kid! Not gonna be taken advantage of....gettin' to the bottom of injustice and makin darn sure he can be contacted in the event of the Tooth Fairy owning up to her mistake!~ Gotta admire his forthrightness!
I have forgotten before. If they were young enough, we'd slip it in while they were eating breakfast and tell them the tooth fairy was just behind schedule. If they were older we told them that they must have been awake too late so she didn't stop : )
We put the tooth in a baggie - because certainly the tooth fairy doesn't want to touch your gross bloody tooth - and it won't get on the bottom of your pillow. (and it's easy to find and slip in and out from under there quickly. :)
Oh Kathy - I like your idea of they must have stayed awake too late. Kaylen's about to lose her 3rd, and I had to check the other day to make sure the tooth fairy had her correct amount available just in case - because for sure - she'll pull that thing out right before bedtime, after the bank closes. (We did dollar coins for the first two.)
The dollar store had these little tooth fairy pillows a while back. They have a slit for the tooth and you hang them on the door. That really helps. Jasmine is the only one that still puts out teeth obviously so when Jessica goes to bed, she sees the pillow on the door and takes care of it for me.
We forgot to tell the fairy for one of our kids. Can't remember which one but I told him/her that "the tooth fairy ran out of cash last night and will be back..."
I love the idea of hanging it on the door in a special tooth fairy pillow or little bag. I think the "idea" of a fairy reaching under Evan's pillow would freak him out a bit...he's like that:)
One of my daughters had a tooth fairy bear with a little pouch.
I'm sure you'll keep that wonderful reminder of your "failure" all will get a good chuckle out of it some day!
I love his letter! That's great.
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