So this has been one ridiculous roller coaster of a week. First, we anxiously called the Embassy every day last week, hoping we would be able to schedule the visa appointment for our boys. Every day we were told that Immigration had not couriered over our dossier. Okay, that's normal. No biggie. Then, by Wednesday, we received an email stating that the visas couldn't be issued because our fingerprints had expired and we would need to get them redone ASAP. Okay - loop#1 in the roller coaster. Ugly, painful, but not unmanageable. Just a drive to Orlando and a 1/2 day sitting in an INS office.
Wait for comes loop #2. The Orlando INS office says it needs a paper to be able to process our fingerprints that the Haitian INS office is saying doesn't even exist! $20 in Skype charges and 3 days later, we get it worked out only to find out that loop #3 was upon us.
We had moved and because we never submitted an update to our Home Study stating this, the Embassy was not happy and still not willing to issue a visa. This was contrary to the info originally given us, but that's a different story. So, now our original agency is unwilling to do just a simple update because they say since the homestudy is more than a year old, it will need to be completely redone at $1500. (Me thinks they want my $$) Another, much closer (in location) agency said they will do the update and that the other agency was incorrect. So, I'm just gonna go with what the American Embassy in Haiti is asking for and that's all. Immigration in Haiti emailed all the necessary paperwork to Immigration in Orlando on Friday, but of course, too late for me to confirm or find out what my next plan of attack is. So, come tomorrow, I could be looking at a very easy fix or a very BIG DISASTER.
Oh, but we're not done yet. Loop #4. So, I get this email this morning: Phoenix has been taken to the hospital and is being admitted for for more details. AHHHHH! WHAT? I know my little guy's been dealing with what the orphanage thought was hemorrhoids for the past month, but the hospital? Yup, little dude's got a prolapsed sphincter. Um, ewww. So, they have to give him massive amounts of protein in his diet via some meds and tape his little booty shut between BMs and maybe, sorta, kinda it should fix itself in a month or two. Oh, and lets pray it doesn't pop out while they're giving him his visa physical or he won't be cleared to fly. WHAT? Sonova....are you kidding me? It's cause he was born so malnourished and remained that way for the first 11 months or so and nearly died form it that he's now having issues.
Did I mention I've been dealing with all this whilst in the throws of a wicked head cold? Every time I have asked if it could possibly get any worse this week, the answer has promptly been yes. One would think I would learn to stop asking that question, but no. So now, here we are, about to start a new week. I am no less settled, no more in the know and no less terrified of the unknown that I was when this all started last Monday. My faith, what little there is left, is desperately clinging to what I hope is the Hand that is supposed to be leading me through this. In this past week alone I have doubted, praised, shaken my fist, been thankful for tender mercies, screamed in anger and frustration and jumped for joy at momentary relief. I have been more hot and cold in Him and towards Him this week than I ever have been in my entire life. Maybe that means I am finally feeling - finally growing and moving out of this hellova rut I have been in for so long. Maybe I'm just that 5th ball - the one stuck in the middle of the novelty desk toy - the one that's constantly getting beat on by two balls on each side, but never yielding itself?
So, I realize now my family update has turned into a spiritual tirade. One for which this blog does not have the room, nor the inclination to house. So, until I know more, for those of you who are willing, please pray for our little family to be reunited and whole very soon.