Sunday, March 16, 2008

Logan's First Game!

Saturday was Logan's very first T-Ball game! He was awesome! He played outfield for 1/2 the game and 3rd base for the other 1/2 and even made a couple pretty incredible plays! There's something so very familial and early childhood about sitting on cold, hard bleachers, smelling the wafting aroma of hot dogs and greasy burgers and hearing the roar of some obnoxious mom next to you screaming, not only at her kid, but yours too. Oh, the joys of being a "soccer mom!" Check out the slideshow below and for everyone's general amusement, I've added a side-by-side of my t-ball pic and Logan's!

Heather - age 6
Logan - age 6



Renee said...

Oh my gosh, adorable!! I love it. You guys are so cute!! I miss you!!