Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Jolie, the Cockapoo

Killdeer - So cool

Okay, so I know this is random, but I have to take nature where I can get it now that we've moved form the farm. So, while Jeremy and Logan were playing soccer in the backyard over the weekend we heard a very loud, very insistent bird. Our search for the boisterous bird quickly turned up this little girl.

After some googling, I found out she's a Killdeer (thus named because the sound they make sounds like they're saying "kill deer"). Anyway, they are ground nesters and have these beautiful speckled eggs. Whenever perceived predators approach, the mom will run away from the nest a put on a little show. She stumbles around, contorting her wings as if they were broken in an attempt to make herself more appealing to the predator than her precious eggs.

Totally cool little bird. I'm gonna try to keep an eye on her nest to see of I can catch the hatching on film.

And there's your NatGEO lesson for the day!

End of one season.....

...beginning of another.

The end of T-ball signaled the end of a very crazy season for us. All the stress, insanity, tears, fears and uncertainty of the Spring has given way to the anticipation, peace and routine of summer.

Logan learned the art (or in this case, the unguided red-neck "I'm gonna call myself the coach but sit here and scratch myself while you try to figure gameplay out by yourselves" version) of T-ball. All-in-all he did very well and by the end of the season made some truly impressive plays for a 6 year old. Though I'm tremendously opposed to giving children awards and accolades for imaginary accomplishments (just think of how all those delusional American Idol wannabes became so delusional), it was still heart-warming to see the ginormous grin on his face when he got a trophy and a medal (just for participating).

Now it's on to a British soccer camp for the summer (gotta teach him the PROPER way to play this beautiful sport), leading into soccer season in the fall.

Totally of topic, but just had to share: the hair went from Beckham to Switchfoot and my little boy is looking not so little anymore!

Now, for those of you missing out on the craziness that is Cai, here he is, ready and revved up for summer! From sun-up to sun-down he wears a Spider-man mask with a Ben10 watch and runs around with his Speed Racer car, pretending to fight bad guys and aliens. Obsess much?

Finally, the countdown has begun. Within 2-3 months we should be the proud parents of 4 boys! My dear friend is going to be in Haiti around the time their process is due to be completed. If they're completed while she is in country, she can escort them home for us and thus, save us 2 plane tickets. That would be HUGE financially, so, though we would desperately miss our last opportunity to be in country and thank the nannies and managers who so lovingly cared for our children, we have to look at finances and go with the more sound decision. Besides, our involvement with Haiti and it's beautiful people does not end with the homecoming of our children. Pray for the summer to go quickly. My longing for my boys is slowly and painfully becoming overwhelming.