Truth be told, I suck. See, when your kid loses a tooth, then puts said tooth under his pillow, even if they're the smartest kid in the world, they believe wholeheartedly that the Tooth Fairy does exist and will indeed come and magically change said tooth into $$. The problem arises when mommy forgets to "tell the Tooth Fairy" there's a pick-up and said child accidentally brushes the tooth out form under his pillow in the middle of the night, never to be found. Now, said child thinks the Tooth Fairy jipped him and proceeded to write the following letter:

Yup, that's definitely my kid! Not gonna be taken advantage of....gettin' to the bottom of injustice and makin darn sure he can be contacted in the event of the Tooth Fairy owning up to her mistake!~ Gotta admire his forthrightness!