Saturday, August 30, 2008

What's in a Name?

A lot....a definition of character, a legacy, a hope, an ideal. We have always taken the choosing of our children's names very seriously and with the 2 new additions coming home soon, we are again playing the name game. Though we've had their first names chosen for a long time, we've struggled for nearly 2 years with their middle names. Not only have we finally settled on middle names, but we have come to a monumental naming decision. Once we readopt the boys here in the States and officially have their names changed, we will also have a name change for Logan and Cai. We really want to honor our fathers and grandfathers in such a way that their relationships to us and the legacy they leave behind, will be forever etched into our children's minds - and names. So, without further adieu, here are the new Pihl children (with the new names in bold):

Logan Gabriel Robert Pihl
Micaiah Ramsay David Pihl
Moise Benjamin Joseph Pihl
Phoenix Jude Austin Pihl

Yes, I know - I hear you - 2 middle names? Whatever - it's very euro and very honoring to our patriarchs and so, it is what it is.


Renee said...

love the names...when are they coming home???
love you,

Pihl Pastures said...

...couple weeks - we're waiting for our visa appointment now.

Anonymous said...

Jude, and Benjamin are my two favorite boy names! yay!

Anonymous said...

Can we add Joshua to the mix?

Natalie said...

I LOVE Phoenix's first middle name! I love all of the names actually. So many we never got to use.... ;) All these girls...

I am so happy the boys are finally coming home. I can't wait to see the pictures!