Sunday, January 27, 2008

Countdown to 30!

This is the year. The year of dread. The year of anticipation. The year I say "Oh sh*t, I've accomplished nothing on my list......I better get a move on." This is the morning I woke up and realized all this, dyed my hair black, wore my eye make-up a little thicker than before and hugged one of my greatest accomplishments. Here's to 2008. May the goals I set out to achieve not be overshadowed by responsibility, duty, fear or laziness. May I suck it up, sweat it out and beat it down! Honestly, here's to me!


Renee said...

U look beautiful!! We are now twins!! Not that I am beautiful..i mean our hair is almost the same!:) When exactly is the big 30day??
Miss you!
Renee said...

well your not alone only I've got less time I am turning 30 in 17 days. I ddi the black hair thing too lived with it about a 6 months a nd couldn't take it anymore. Im blond now, but luckly well hopefully I don't act like,lol Enjoying your blogs keeps me in touch with you all.